1 & 2 girls lax
Recommended for girls that have played lacrosse or other sports, and are confident in their ability to pick up the sport quickly, ex: good athlete, hand/eye coordination. (Read more about the girls travel program below)
Description: Competitive Games Played vs. local towns. INCLUDES Registration in Milton 1/2 Skills Development Program. Registration closed at max capacity. Waitlist is available. MOST 1/2 GIRLS WILL BE PLAYING IN THE TOWN FRIDAY NIGHTS SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM. 1/2 Skill Dev Program Registration Still Open Here
Teams: Opened as a small pilot program, with two teams comprised mainly of girls playing lax in the off season with Coach Katie Conover's All-American Athletics clinics.
Commitment: Team Practice 2x/week - must attend at least one weekly practice to play on a team. Outdoor practices start last week in March. Pre-season Indoor practice 3/16 and 3/23. Sunday Games 1x/week. Schedule dates noted on this page.
Program cost: $300 per player which includes player insurance, travel uniform & shooter shirt. Also includes two pre-season indoor lacrosse skills sessions and registration in the girls Skills Development Town Program!