Milton Youth Girls Lacrosse play by the youth rules sanctioned by USA Lacrosse. These rules are a modified version of those drafted by The National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) for high school girls lacrosse.
Modifications are based on research and published literature from the USA Lacrosse Sports Science and Safety Committee and provide us with age-appropriate playing rules.
Eastern MA Girls Lacrosse Leagues also have a subset of rules as agreed upon by the leagues and the EMWLUA. Milton girls play in the Massachusetts Youth Lacrosse League (MYL). Here is a summary of the girls rules: EMWULA Rules Summary Sheet
MYL Girls Youth Lacrosse is played by MYL Rules. These are the US Lacrosse Youth rules (click here to open the US Lacrosse Rules Guide Book) with exceptions for the following modifications/clarification:
2024 Girls Youth Rules Change Summary from USA Lacrosse -- CLICK HERE